Featured Photographer: In the Studio with Paula Riff
Takes some time to get to know Paula Riff and her gorgeous cameraless photograms in this interview. Find out what it takes to produce her abstract works of art that are vibrant and full of life.
Interview: 2019 Film Photo Award with Eliot Dudik and Aline Smithson
The Film Photo Award is a brand new semi-annual award program offering three distinct grants of Kodak Professional Film to film photographers who demonstrate a serious commitment to our beloved medium.
Interview: Thomas Alleman - A Dreamier View
Thomas Alleman is a frequent winner of distinctions from the National Press Photographer's Association. He was named Newspaper Photographer of the Year in 1995 and Newspaper Photographer of the Year in 1996.
Interview: Patricia Bender's Photograms - Euclidean Pursuits
Patricia Bender creates cameraless photograms that explore lines and shapes using Euclidean systems of geometry. Her work speaks to our primordial consciences that have developed over thousands of years.
Interview: Susan Burnstine - Lyrical Worlds
Susan Burnstine is an internationally exhibited and published fine art photographer based in Los Angeles. She has had 25+ solo exhibits and writes a monthly column in Black and White Photography Magazine.
Interview: Some Photos of That Day with Hugh Crawford
Some Photos of That Day is the late Jamie Livingston's magnum opus: a series of 6,754 photographs taken every day starting on 03/21/1979 and ending on the last day of his life, his 41st birthday.