Featured Photographers Michael Kirchoff Featured Photographers Michael Kirchoff

Featured Photographer: Matthew Ragen - If They Have Eyes, Can They See?

Explore the mesmerizing blend of ancient landscapes and modern artistry with Matthew Ragen's captivating photography series, "If They Have Eyes, Can They See?,” in our latest feature article. Journey through the Cascade Mountains as Ragen's lens captures the silent symphony of nature's cyclical pattern, revealing the haunting beauty of ancient forests and forgotten epochs.

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Featured Photographers Michael Kirchoff Featured Photographers Michael Kirchoff

Featured Photographer: Wendy Constantine – “Reverie”

Embark on an ethereal journey through Wendy Constantine's artistic practice with her body of work, “Reverie.” From childhood memories in a converted chicken coop to protesting art department cuts, Constantine's life unfolds like a visual poem. Delve into her unique fusion of analog and digital, intention and spontaneity, as she invites you into a dreamlike realm where trees stand as silent witnesses to a life shaped by nature.

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Featured Photographers Michael Behlen Featured Photographers Michael Behlen

Featured Photographers: Lenny Gerard - "Day vs. Night Juxtaposition”

Enter the realm of Lenny Gerard, a visionary artist who juxtaposes day and night shots of architectural marvels in an arresting critique of capitalism. Gerard's work, as captivating as it is contemplative, challenges the viewer to consider the implications of a system that values work over life, and productivity over creativity.

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Featured Photographers Lisa Toboz Featured Photographers Lisa Toboz

Feature: Maureen Mulhern-White: “The Continuum”

Maureen Mulhern-White, a British-American self-taught photographer, creates mystical landscapes that captivate audiences with their dream-like qualities. Her innovative photo series, The Continuum, features photograms printed on vellum paper and backed with silver or gold leaf. These enchanting images showcase a variety of creatures and natural elements, revealing our shared connection to the universe.

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Featured Photographers Niniane Kelley Featured Photographers Niniane Kelley

Feature: Jim Steg’s Inspired Journey

Jim Steg (1922-2001) was an inventive artist and esteemed educator who lived in New Orleans. A celebrated printmaker, he became interested in photography late in his career. Barbara Hitchcock, who served as Curator of The Polaroid Collection, writes about his explorations with the SX-70 and shares rarely seen instant photography explorations from the artist.

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Featured Photographers Lisa Toboz Featured Photographers Lisa Toboz

Featured Photographer: Liz Potter - "A Tornado of Sketches"

Texas-based Liz Potter’s photography is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. “My print sessions can last anywhere from four hours to eight and sometimes the only reason I stop is when my print washer is full, and I have to pause long enough to realize I’m tired. Printing, to me, is another layer of expressing an image.”

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Featured Photographers Michael Behlen Featured Photographers Michael Behlen

NSFW | Featured Photographer: La Fille Renne - “Reclaiming Our Bodies: Systemic, Gynecological, and Obstetric Violence Towards Our Sexes in the Framework of Health”

La Fille Renne––non-binary photographer and co-director of feminist media, Polysème Magazine––gives insight to their series, Reclaiming Our Bodies: Systemic, Gynecological, and Obstetric Violence Towards Our Sexes in the Framework of Health, a project that brings awareness of gynecological and obstetrical violence.

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