CLOSED | Call for Entry: Online Group Exhibition - "Inscrutable" October 2023
© Ray Pfeiffer
Analog Forever Magazine is proud to present “Inscrutable," an online group exhibition debuting October 2023. This showcase will be expertly curated by Visual Anthropologist and Executive Member for the annual Click! Photography Festival, Ray Pfeiffer!
To enter, all you need to do is read and respond to the prompt provided with your film or analog photography. The best of these images will be presented in an online show, launching October 16th, 2023. Good luck!
Prompt: What can we know looking at a photograph? To quote Richard Avedon: "Photographs are accurate but none of them are true".
Photographs have been used to lead and mislead almost since the invention of photography. And this can happen even if it was not the photographers intent when the image was created. Once a photograph is out in the world we’ve seen many times where the image comes to symbolize something the artist never intended.
We also find there are times when we find it difficult to discern the artist’s intent. Would this be the fault of the photographer? Of the viewer? Or both?
Of course, Photoshop and now AI have radically changed the game when it comes to deception. But is advanced technology all that’s necessary to deceive us? Doesn’t lighting and camera angle alter the perception of an image?
Or maybe, it’s that we stop to ask these questions is what engages us in the first place…
Deadline for Submissions is September 30th, 2023!
Ray Pfeiffer is a Visual Anthropologist based in Raleigh, NC. Working in the documentary tradition, his photographs speak to the passage of time and the stories we tell. When not searching for stories to tell, Ray has guest lectured, taught photography, and understanding creativity for many educational and civic groups.
In addition to having served on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Panorama Photographers, he is the founder of A Photographers Place, a community resource for photographers to find inspiration and support for their work.
He has also served as Board Chair and executive team member for the annual Click! Photography Festival.
And, he bakes great cookies. Connect with Ray Pfeiffer on his Website and Instagram.
Submission Guidelines:
Image Specifications:
1) Only .jpg files will be accepted.
2) Images must be 1500px on the shortest side at 72dpi.
3) No photo-shopped borders or watermarks.
4) Only one image may be submitted.
5) Image must be named in the following format: “FirstNameLastName1.jpg”, etc.
Email Specifications:
1) The subject line of your email should state: "Inscrutable”
2) Please ATTACH your images to the email NOT INSIDE the email. Do not embed them. Do not attach a google drive or dropbox link.
3) Include your information in the format requested (see below).
4) Format Request: “Title” by Your Name | Camera + Film, Process - Your URL
Send your submission to by September 30th, 2023.
Note: Due to the large number of submissions we receive, you will only be emailed if your work is selected by the juror.
Copyright Information:
By submitting photos for publication in Analog Forever Magazine you are stipulating to us that you own copyright to these photographs or have permission from the copyright holder to submit these photographs. You are granting Analog Forever Magazine a non-exclusive license to use the photograph in its submitted form, subject to re-sizing to fit the magazine format, for publication on the Analog Forever Magazine website for as long as the website exists. You also grant Analog Forever Magazine permission to use these photographs on social media accounts connected to Analog Forever Magazine including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Should you, for any reason, wish your photographs to be removed from the website, we will make every effort to do so. However, please note also that third parties such as educational institutions, search engines or individuals may download, save, store or archive this (or any other) website with or without our knowledge. Analog Forever Magazine will have no control over such downloading and subsequent use and therefore cannot accept responsibility for any such use.