Analog Forever Magazine’s Top 40 Analog Photographs of 2024
These images are the AF Team's curation of the most stand-out must-see images produced in 2024. From career photographers to amateur hobbyists, these scenes and portraits made a huge impact this year!
Interview: Lynne Breitfeller’s “After the Fire”
After a studio fire, Lynne Breitfeller transforms water-damaged negatives into the groundbreaking "After the Fire" series, redefining her artistry and challenging photography norms. Explore her journey and creative rebirth in an exclusive interview.
Interview: Gary Ho of MINT Camera - The Rollei 35 AF Story
In an exclusive and inaugural discussion with Gary Ho of Mint Camera, we uncover the passion and ingenuity fueling their latest creation, the Rollei 35AF.
Analog Forever Magazine’s Top 40 Analog Photographs of 2023
These images are the AF Team's curation of the most stand-out must-see images produced in 2023. From career photographers to amateur hobbyists, these scenes and portraits made a huge impact this year!
Featured Photographer: Debbie Bentley – “Bentlandia”
Embark on a visual journey with Debbie Bentley, a creative force navigating the diverse landscapes of photography. Bentley's story is a testament to the limitless possibilities of creativity, proving that true art can emerge from a tapestry woven with hard knocks, research, and experimentation.
Interview: Renee Paiement – “Days of Heaven”
Minneapolis-based photographer Renee Paiement captures light dancing across an image, as if it were a character in the frame in her project, “Days of Heaven,” an homage to the Terrence Malick film of the same name.
Featured Photographer: Laetitia Heisler – “Forest is a Temple”
Using instant-film double exposures, Germany-based photographer Laetitia Heisler takes viewers on a healing journey through the woods, camera in tow, sharing how she sees life as “a continuous transformation” in her series, Forest is a Temple. “Everyone and everything are intertwined.”
Interview: Marcus DeSieno - “Geography of Disappearance”
Spend time with the photographs and words from this interview with photographic artist Marcus DeSieno. His ongoing project, "Geography of Disappearance," is a brutally honest examination of the crisis at the US/Mexico border from the perspective of landscape photography.
16 Experimental Film Soup Photographers You Need to Know in 2023!
Get ready to immerse yourself in the world of film soup photography! These 16 photographers utilize this audacious technique, soaking their negatives in unexpected solutions or altering their Polaroids during development, to create unique and unpredictable art. Explore this cutting-edge realm with our specially curated collection by Amy Elizabeth of Film Lab 135!
Featured Photographers: Lenny Gerard - "Day vs. Night Juxtaposition”
Enter the realm of Lenny Gerard, a visionary artist who juxtaposes day and night shots of architectural marvels in an arresting critique of capitalism. Gerard's work, as captivating as it is contemplative, challenges the viewer to consider the implications of a system that values work over life, and productivity over creativity.
Featured Photographers: Sileō - "System Error"
System Error, a thought-provoking photo series by Italian artists Silvia Pedrina and Leonardo Brentan, a.k.a Sileō, challenges perceptions of our growing relationship with technology. Combining traditional photography with digital techniques, the series offers a fascinating exploration of the intersection between the physical and digital realms.
Feature: Maureen Mulhern-White: “The Continuum”
Maureen Mulhern-White, a British-American self-taught photographer, creates mystical landscapes that captivate audiences with their dream-like qualities. Her innovative photo series, The Continuum, features photograms printed on vellum paper and backed with silver or gold leaf. These enchanting images showcase a variety of creatures and natural elements, revealing our shared connection to the universe.
Twenty Street Photographers You Need to Know!
Forget your preconceived notions of what "street" photography is or should be. Discover 20 international street photographers you need to know in 2023, curated by writer, photographer, and filmmaker, Jesse Freeman of Japan Camera Hunter, that challenges the Western ideas of street photography.
Twenty Alternative Process Photographers You Need to Know!
Since its advent, the art of photography has been a process of artistic experimentation. Hundreds of processes have been invented since its inception, including gum bichromate, platinum/palladium, and wet plate collodion. These alternative processes don’t just still exist; they are thriving in the digital age. Discover 20 emerging and established photographers who use these and countless other processes to create unique and engaging photographic prints in a specially curated list by Christina Z. Anderson!
Feature: Jim Steg’s Inspired Journey
Jim Steg (1922-2001) was an inventive artist and esteemed educator who lived in New Orleans. A celebrated printmaker, he became interested in photography late in his career. Barbara Hitchcock, who served as Curator of The Polaroid Collection, writes about his explorations with the SX-70 and shares rarely seen instant photography explorations from the artist.
Featured Photographer: Liz Potter - "A Tornado of Sketches"
Texas-based Liz Potter’s photography is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. “My print sessions can last anywhere from four hours to eight and sometimes the only reason I stop is when my print washer is full, and I have to pause long enough to realize I’m tired. Printing, to me, is another layer of expressing an image.”
Featured Photographer: Josh Lee - "Altered Realities"
Brooklyn-based photographer Josh Lee uses his black and white negatives as a springboard for his manipulated images. By introducing bleach, food coloring, and paint directly to his negatives, he creates surreal images which illustrate the hidden psychological realities of ourselves and the world around us.
Community Spotlight: Shitty Camera Challenge: Instant Regret
In the latest iteration of the Shitty Camera Challenge, photographers from around the world tackle the beast that is instant photography. From Instax to emulsion lifts to thermal prints, anything and everything goes when you’re trying to overcome your "Instant Regret."
Featured Photographer: Felicita Russo - "Imaginary Landscape"
Italian photographer Felicita Russo’s instant film based creations of extraterrestrial worlds and breathtaking future landscapes bridge the gap between traditional painting, contemporary art, and science fiction. Through her work, she pushes the boundaries of contemporary light painting to new frontiers.
Community Spotlight: The 12:12 Project
The 12:12 Project is an international collective of artists using instant film to explore monthly themes. Featuring 42 artists who have contributed to the 12:12 project since 2013, a new exhibition up now showcases the astounding creativity of these photographers and demonstrates the versatility and artistic potential of instant film.