CLOSED | Call for Entry: Online Group Exhibition - "Image Within the Image"
© Tim Anderson
Analog Forever Magazine is thrilled to unveil our newest upcoming online exhibition, “Image Within the Image,” scheduled to debut in May 2024. Curated by Tim Anderson, Publisher of Shadow and Light Magazine, this exhibition promises to be a captivating journey into the realm of analog photography.
We invite you to explore and respond to our unique prompt with your film or analog photography. The most compelling images will be featured in this online show. Embrace this opportunity to delve deep into the essence of photography and explore the intricate interplay between subject and medium, unearthing the hidden narratives within each frame.
Prompt: "Many times, we make images that seem to have a deeper meaning once they are processed. It is at that time as we view the image, we may see it in a different way: Is that a face in the stone wall to the left? Wait! I didn't notice THAT when I made the image. Go deeper and see what you didn't see. Surprise yourself! Find the story.
When you look at the sample image, what drew you to it, in the first place? Was it the lean? What went on behind that door before it was boarded up? And… what ABOUT that lean?
Take some time with it and let your imagination go! Who knows where it might take you? Write your own story…"
Deadline for Submissions: May 1st, 2024.
Tim Anderson has been a professional photographer for more than 50 years. He has reviewed photography portfolios for a wide variety of organizations, including Photolucida, Review Santa Fe, Review LA, Enchanted Lens Camera Club, and the Center for Fine Art Photography. He is the Founder/Managing Editor of Shadow & Light Magazine, a PDF/print photography publication, and The Journal, a bi-weekly international photo-based email newsletter, read in more than 128 countries and by more than 5,000 readers and subscribers. Shadow & Light Magazine has recently entered its 10th year.