Analog Forever Magazine

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Online Group Exhibition - "Where Do We Go From Here?” October 2021

Analog Forever Magazine is pleased to showcase 43 images in this month’s online exhibition, entitled “Where Do We Go From Here?,” curated by fine art photographer Vanessa Leroy!

Vanessa had this to say about this month’s exhibition:

"Where do we go from here? When I think about my own answer to this question, it’s something to the effect of: into the unknown. Continuing to go forward even if you can’t entirely see the path ahead is made difficult in a world that is often mired by injustice and inequity. Yet, moving forth with conviction and through faith, or hope, still seems to be our best bet even when the odds are against us. Whether it’s moving forth in the physical plane, or in the realm of ideas and dreams; the spark that causes that movement is where my answer, and the answers of all of these exhibiting artists, seems to rest.

Alongside the artists and their subjects, we traversed various landscapes, studios, homes, memories, and dreams. In this ever-shifting world, here lies various glimpses into how people are using various analog processes to examine a place, or a person, or an action, or a feeling — in response to the direct effects that societal turbulence has. Thank you to everyone that submitted to this call for entry. It was truly wondrous to peek into your worlds and see how you visualize your thoughts surrounding this open-ended prompt.

“At Her Homestead 2018/2021” by Karen Bullock | Unfixed Sun Print on Expired Kodak Paper with Digital Negative and Fresh Flowers

There were so many innovative and experimental approaches to this prompt, and it was difficult to choose a favorite image since I was drawn to so many. However, I kept traveling back to view Karen Bullock’s image, “At Her Homestead 2018/2021.” I’m enamored by the way the deep blues and bright pinks waltz together throughout the image and weave it together. I’m struck by the crown of ribbons that adorn the subject’s braids. I want to further follow them into the archway of fauna and branches that frames the work. I want to continue to walk ahead.”

~ Vanessa Leroy

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About the Curator

Vanessa Leroy (b. 1996) is a photographer from Waltham, Massachusetts. She holds a BFA in Photography from Massachusetts College of Art and Design. She remains on the hunt for new ways of seeing, remembering, and altering the world through photography. She is drawn to image-making because of the power it holds to create nuanced representation for marginalized people and uplift their stories. She sees photography as a tool for social justice, and with it, she hopes to create worlds that people feel as though they can enter and draw from, as well as provide a look into an experience that they may not personally recognize. Her work has been featured in The Washington Post, NPR, and exhibited at Gallery Kayafas in Boston, MA.

Connect with Vanessa Leroy on her Website and Instagram.