Analog Forever Magazine

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Online Group Exhibition - "Regeneration” August 2021

Analog Forever Magazine is pleased to showcase 33 images in this month’s online exhibition, entitled “Regeneration,” curated by the Executive Director of CENTER, Laura Wzorek Pressley!

Laura had this to say about this month’s exhibition:

This selection invites us to consider a layered interpretation of the theme ‘Regeneration.’ The dwindling public rites of passage in contemporary culture, coupled with the constraints of isolation over the last year, allowed the rich inner world of the solitary creative process to take center stage. These images speak to me that the personal creative process is, and of itself, regenerative. The hand of the artist is prevalent in many of these works and underscored that the regenerative process is ultimately, by way of one’s own intention.

Robert Sulkin’s image embodies the deeply symbolic and archetypal imagery that Carl Jung stated were fundamental to the renewal process. (There were many other strong images that were not included as they were a departure from the aesthetic rhythms of this selection, but they would have made for another exciting exhibition.) This selection includes the symbols of apples, fire, the night, and the forest, that were recurrent archetypal themes. There were a number of lyrical portraits often within nature, providing a key signifier of renewal. Ultimately, regeneration here evokes unearthing the unseen, revealing the shadow, making the unconscious conscious, and drawing upon inner reserve of unrealized potential.

~ Laura Wzorek Pressley

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About the Curator

Laura Wzorek Pressley is a Certified Executive Director who has been at the helm of CENTER in Santa Fe for 15 years. CENTER is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to support socially and environmentally engaged lens-based projects with education, public platforms, funding and partnerships. CENTER's long-standing programs include the annual juried photographic portfolio review event, the Review Santa Fe Photo Festival, the Project Grants, and the CENTER Awards that have launched dozens of photographer’s careers over the last two decades. In addition to high impact, outcome driven programs, CENTER fosters an esteemed network of professionals that includes book publishers, curators, editors, gallerists, and many of today’s leading thinkers in imaging.

Laura has co-curated or produced exhibitions including the Korea International Photo Festival, The Dispossessed (2016), The Frontier (2016), Immigration, Migration & Evolving Boundaries, and has worked collaboratively with partner venues and festivals internationally. In addition to CENTER, Laura also serves on the Board of Directors for the Blue Earth Alliance.