Analog Forever Magazine

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Online Group Exhibition - "Magical Realism” March 2020

"Reach" by Leah Damgaard-Hansen | Pentax ME Super + Kodak Tri-X 400 Film

Analog Forever Magazine is pleased to showcase 35 images in this months online exhibition entitled "Magical Realism”. Curated by Anne Kelly, Gallery Director of photo-eye Gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico, these photographs intend to mix our world with the odd, surreal, or wondrous.

Anne Kelly writes: Magical Realism depicts the everyday world peppered with fantastic elements. Now, I have always loved a good mystery, so I naturally find Magical Realism intriguing. The genre’s origin stems from literature, but has also made a significant mark in painting, photography, and film in various parts of the world. It became popular in the visual arts in the 1940s.

Since its inception, photography has gone through many fascinating transformations in both technique and intent (i.e. pinhole to digital / documentary to photomontage). One presumption about photography, which is rooted in its past, is the perception that a photograph is evidence that something happened. In a contemporary context we know this is not necessarily the case – photography is convincing but not necessarily truthful, making it an ideal medium to explore magical realism.

I really enjoyed viewing all of the submissions for this exhibition. Between my love of Magical Realism & Analog photography, it really was a treat. Thank you to everyone that submitted. I selected  "Reach" by Leah Damgaard-Hansen as my first place winner. First of all, because I simply love this photograph.  I tend to operate under the “know it when you see it” philosophy. On further inspection this image speaks to me because the imagery is familiar, which makes it relatable, yet also contains subtle elements that create that sense of wonder. This image depicts a house and a tree. The tree may have just fallen over, or could perhaps just be growing at an odd angle? We don’t know. I can’t help but imagine what just happened...or what is to come. A perfect stage for the imagination. Just like the first page of a brilliant novel.

- Anne Kelly

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About the Curator

Portrait of Anne Kelly by ©David Hymes

Anne Kelly is the Director of photo-eye Gallery in Santa Fe, NM and has been with the company since 2006. Her interest in photography developed at an early age, influenced by her mother’s love for the medium. Originally from Colorado, she moved to Santa Fe to further her studies in photography under the direction of David Scheinbaum at the College of Santa Fe, where she received her BFA. As Gallery Director at photo-eye, Kelly has produced over 75 exhibitors in Santa Fe as well as art fairs such as photo LA and the AIPAD Photography Fair. Kelly is a long time Critical Mass juror and has served as a portfolio reviewer at events across the country.

Kelly is particularly interested in contemporary photographic works that employ the use of alternative and analog processes that images that invoke emotion and stimulate the imagination.

photo-eye (est. 1979) is a leading contemporary photography gallery and bookstore representing both established and emerging photographers.

Connect with Anne Kelly on Instagram!