Analog Forever Magazine

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Online Group Exhibition - "Glitch in the Matrix" August 2023

Analog Forever Magazine is proud to present "Glitch in the Matrix," an online group exhibition featuring 35 photographs created with film and analog processes, curated by photographic artist, independent curator and juror, and Editor in Chief, Michael Kirchoff!

Michael Kirchoff writes:

Well, here we are again with another mass of submissions to make my head spin. I thought I knew what was coming, but you all proved me wrong yet again. The criteria for this one were esoteric, but you all understood the assignment and brought me some imagery that will stick in my brain for quite some time. You identified the uncontrollable actions of film, chemistry, process, and happenstance and sent in some intriguing and beguiling work.

It seems clear that sometimes these are simply images that are meant to be. The universe says “yes,” grants you an error that goes your way, and elevates a photograph that creates the wow factor you were not necessarily expecting. Thankfully, so many of you that this has happened to have regarded the occurrence and made it their own out of simple recognition and a thank you to said universe. 

Serendipity is crucial in the instances of the most striking and successful of these. Embracing the errors and glitches sets the work apart from the ordinary. Many try and make it happen for the photograph by sheer force, but the results don’t always pan out quite the same. So here’s to those with the foresight to recognize the magic that happens behind the scenes, for you are the ones that truly get it and know how to present something unique and special to the community.

What we have here is a collection of work that raises more questions than answers. And that just may be what I love most about it. Thank you one and all.

~ Michael Kirchoff

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Michael Kirchoff is a photographic artist, independent curator and juror, and advocate for the photographic arts. He has been a juror for Photolucida’s Critical Mass, and has reviewed portfolios for several fine art photographic organizations and non-profits in the U.S. and abroad. Michael has been a contributing writer for Lenscratch, Light Leaked, and Don’t Take Pictures magazine. In addition, he spent ten years (2006-2016) on the Board of the American Photographic Artists in Los Angeles (APA/LA), producing artist lectures, as well as business and inspirational events for the community. Currently, he is Editor-in-Chief at Analog Forever Magazine, Founding Editor for the photographer interview site, Catalyst: Interviews, Contributing Editor at One Twelve Publishing, and the Co-Host of The Diffusion Tapes podcast.

 Connect with Michael Kirchoff on his Website and Instagram!