Analog Forever Magazine

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Online Group Exhibition - "ELEMENTAL” April 2023

Analog Forever Magazine is proud to present "ELEMENTAL," an online group exhibition featuring 43 photographs created with film and analog processes, curated by a leader in the photographic community and gallery director of The Photographer’s Eye, Donna Cosentino!

Donna Cosentino writes:

As I viewed all the work that came in to me, I found the images had divided themselves into two general categories: Literal and Metaphorical.  That was my hoped-for intention and I was not disappointed. As a long-time professor of photography before I created The Photographer’s Eye Gallery, I found students would often tackle an assignment from a literal or metaphorical frame of reference. There was never a ‘box’ for one or the other. I experience this as director of my gallery even now as I discuss our exhibition themes with our Collective of photographers.     

As a curator of Elemental I found myself organizing images in ways that relate one to another. So although the images I have chosen seem widely unrelated, I organized groups that felt right together as either literal/narrative or metaphorical/poetic. I chose as examples of this, two entries which I feel fully illustrate this concept: Kristin Randall’s grid of children with fire, earth, water, and wind; and Kimberly Schneider’s darkroom-made (chemigram) blend of objects and process.

It was a pleasure to see your work and the many thoughtful interpretations of my theme. 

Many thanks to Michael Kirchoff for the opportunity!

~ Donna Cosentino

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In a life dedicated to photography since 1971, Donna Cosentino has been a news photographer, museum docent, curator, educator, lecturer and leader in the photographic community. After thirty years of teaching photography at the college level, Donna retired and opened The Photographer’s Eye in Escondido, CA, a gallery whose mission is to enlighten and educate the community on the history and art of photography through exhibitions and classes. The gallery is now in its fifth year and has proudly shown work by well-known as well as emerging local, national, and international photographers. 

A practicing photographer, she works primarily in black and white film with her Rolleiflex and is passionate about alternative photographic processes. She treasures her SX70s and her Instagram is always and only iPhone images using Snapseed to edit. 

Connect with Donna on the The Photographer’s Eye Website and on Instagram!