Analog Forever Magazine

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CLOSED | Call for Entry: Online Group Exhibition - "Magical Realism” March 2020

©Angela Bacon-Kidwell

We are excited to announce that our March 2020 online group exhibition, “Magical Realism”, is being curated by the Gallery Director of photo-eye Gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Anne Kelly! To enter, all you need to do is read and respond to the following prompt with your analog photography:

Anne Kelly Writes: Magical Realism depicts the everyday world peppered with fantastic elements. At first glance images in this genre will likely appear to be believable, but the inclusion of imaginative, implausible, or unreal elements give artists space to create allegories and viewers to ponder. Now, I have always loved a good mystery, so I naturally find Magical Realism intriguing. The genre’s origin stems from literature, but has also made a significant mark in painting, photography, and film in various parts of the world. It became popular in the visual arts in the 1940’s, and the term was coined by German photographer and art critic Franz Roh in his book “After Expressionism: Magic Realism” in 1925.  

Since its inception, photography has gone through many fascinating transformations in both technique and intent (i.e. pinhole to digital / documentary to photomontage). Here in 2020, digital techniques are continuing to advance rapidly, yet many photographers are still choosing to use traditional chemical processes to great effect in their work, making this a very exciting time for photography. One presumption about photography, which is rooted in its past, is the perception that a photograph is evidence that something happened. In a contemporary context we know this is not necessarily the case – photography is convincing but not truthful, making it an ideal medium to explore magical realism.

We invite you to submit up to two photographs for this exhibition that capture the concept of this theme. We offer no limits to the photographs submitted, other than the fact that they are created with analog film or process. The best of these images will be showcased in an online show curated by artist and Gallery Director of photo-eye Gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Anne Kelly. This online exhibition will go live on our website on March 16th, 2020! Please follow the directions below to complete your submission. Good luck!

The deadline for submissions is February 28th, 2020!

About the Curator

Anne Kelly is the Director of photo-eye Gallery in Santa Fe, NM and has been with the company since 2006. Her interest in photography developed at an early age, influenced by her mother’s love for the medium. Originally from Colorado, she moved to Santa Fe to further her studies in photography under the direction of David Scheinbaum at the College of Santa Fe, where she received her BFA. As Gallery Director at photo-eye, Kelly has produced over 75 exhibitors in Santa Fe as well as art fairs such as photo LA and the AIPAD Photography Fair. Kelly is a long time Critical Mass jour and has served as a portfolio reviewer at events across the country.

Kelly ls particular interested in contemporary photographic works that employ the use of alternative and analog processes that images that invoke emotion and stimulate the imagination.

photo-eye (est. 1979) is a leading contemporary photography gallery and bookstore representing both established and emerging photographers.

Connect with Anne Kelly on Instagram!

Submission Guidelines: 

Image Specifications:
1) Only .jpg files will be accepted.
2) Images must be 1500px on the shortest side at 72dpi.
3) No photo-shopped borders or watermarks. 
4) Only two images may be submitted.
5) Images must be named in the following format: “FirstNameLastName1.jpg”, etc.

Email Specifications:
1) The subject line of your email should state: "Magical Realism”
2) Please ATTACH your images to the email. Do not embed them. Do not attach a google drive or dropbox link. 
3) Please do not send PDF or Text Files. Please put all information into the body of the email.

Specific information needed for each Submission:
1) Your name as you would like it to appear.
2) The Camera and Process used to create your images.
3) Titles for each of your photograph(s). Write out each title exactly as you would like it to appear.
4) Email Address in the text of the email.
5) The Website Address you would like your images linked to.

Send your submission to by February 28th, 2020.

Note: Do to the large amount of submissions we receive you may not receive a response. Though we try our best to respond to everyone, we do not guarantee a response. Thank you for understanding.

Copyright Information:

By submitting photos for publication in Analog Forever Magazine you are stipulating to us that you own copyright to these photographs or have permission from the copyright holder to submit these photographs. You are granting Analog Forever Magazine a non-exclusive license to use the photograph in its submitted form, subject to re-sizing to fit the magazine format, for publication on the Analog Forever Magazine website for as long as the website exists. You also grant Analog Forever Magazine permission to use these photographs on social media accounts connected to Analog Forever Magazine including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Should you, for any reason, wish your photographs to be removed from the website, we will make every effort to do so. However, please note also that third parties such as educational institutions, search engines or individuals may download, save, store or archive this (or any other) website with or without our knowledge. Analog Forever Magazine will have no control over such downloading and subsequent use and therefore cannot accept responsibility for any such use.