Analog Forever Magazine

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CLOSED | Call for Entry: Online Group Exhibition - "Eye of the Beholder” June 2020

© Michael Kirchoff

We are excited to announce that our June 2020 online group exhibition, “Eye of the Beholder”, is being curated by our Editor in Chief, Michael Kirchoff. Michael is a photographic artist, independent curator, and juror, and advocate for the photographic arts. He is also the Founding Editor for the online photographer interview website, Catalyst: Interviews. To enter, all you need to do is read and respond to the following prompt with your analog photography:

Michael Kirchoff writes: What is beauty? Where do we find it? Who decides?

There are the obvious choices based upon sexuality, desire, and the human form - positive depictions of dramatic landscapes in full color or stunning black and white - sunsets captured on remote Caribbean islands - the eyes of a child full of hope. Then there is a type of allure that is quiet, subdued and strays far outside the norm. There is beauty in the truth told in the darkest recesses of the human mind, the harshest of physical conditions, and the deterioration of shape, essence or humanity. Each of us has the ability to look deep inside and discover what is graceful and elegant. We have the option to depict beauty in myriad ways, where we portray our thoughts as a photographic object to be held up and judged for its own inherent qualities.

This is a call for entry to show beauty executed with your vision of what it signifies to you. Submissions can be anything your mind conceives as beautiful, from the traditional to the unconventional, because as the artist, you represent the ‘Eye of the Beholder’.

“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” ~ Confucius 

We invite you to submit up to two photographs for this exhibition that capture the concept of this theme. We offer no limits to the photographs submitted, other than the fact that they are created with analog film or process. The best of these images will be showcased in an online show curated by our Editor in Chief, Michael Kirchoff. This online exhibition will go live on our website on June 15th, 2020! Please follow the directions below to complete your submission. Good luck!

The deadline for submissions is May 31st, 2020!

About the Curator

Michael Kirchoff is a photographic artist, independent curator and juror, and advocate for the photographic arts. He has been a juror for Photolucida’s Critical Mass, and has reviewed portfolios for the Los Angeles Center of Photography’s Exposure Reviews and CENTER’s Review Santa Fe. Michael has been a contributing writer for Lenscratch, Light Leaked, and Don’t Take Pictures magazine. In addition, he spent ten years (2006-2016) on the Board of the American Photographic Artists in Los Angeles (APA/LA), producing artist lectures, as well as business and inspirational events for the community. Currently, he is also Editor-in-Chief at Analog Forever Magazine, and is the Founding Editor for the online photographer interview website, Catalyst: Interviews. Previously, Michael spent over four years as Editor at BLUR magazine. Connect with Michael Kirchoff on his Website and Instagram!

Submission Guidelines: 

Image Specifications:
1) Only .jpg files will be accepted.
2) Images must be 1500px on the shortest side at 72dpi.
3) No photo-shopped borders or watermarks. 
4) Only two images may be submitted.
5) Images must be named in the following format: “FirstNameLastName1.jpg”, etc.

Email Specifications:
1) The subject line of your email should state: "Submission: Eye of the Beholder”
2) Please ATTACH your images to the email. Do not embed them. Do not attach a google drive or dropbox link. 
3) Please do not send PDF or Text Files. Please put all information into the body of the email.

Specific information needed for each Submission:
1) Your name as you would like it to appear.
2) The Camera and Process used to create your images.
3) Titles for each of your photograph(s). Write out each title exactly as you would like it to appear.
4) Email Address in the text of the email.
5) The Website Address you would like your images linked to.

Send your submission to by May 31st, 2020.

Note: Do to the large amount of submissions we receive you may not receive a response. Though we try our best to respond to everyone, we do not guarantee a response. Thank you for understanding.

Copyright Information:

By submitting photos for publication in Analog Forever Magazine you are stipulating to us that you own copyright to these photographs or have permission from the copyright holder to submit these photographs. You are granting Analog Forever Magazine a non-exclusive license to use the photograph in its submitted form, subject to re-sizing to fit the magazine format, for publication on the Analog Forever Magazine website for as long as the website exists. You also grant Analog Forever Magazine permission to use these photographs on social media accounts connected to Analog Forever Magazine including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Should you, for any reason, wish your photographs to be removed from the website, we will make every effort to do so. However, please note also that third parties such as educational institutions, search engines or individuals may download, save, store or archive this (or any other) website with or without our knowledge. Analog Forever Magazine will have no control over such downloading and subsequent use and therefore cannot accept responsibility for any such use.